Acute Kidney Injuries, Chronic and End Stage Renal Diseases, Clinical Nephrology, Covid19, Diabetes and Hypertension, Dialysis, Diet, Environmental Pollution and Kidney Disease, HIV and Kidney Disease, Kidney Cancer, Kidney cyst, Kidney cyst, Kidney Disease, Kidney Stones

#DidYouKnow that only 1% of the blood filtered by your #Kidneys becomes urine, 99% of the blood is redistributed and reabsorbed by the Kidneys.

Your Amazing Kidneys

The kidneys are complicated and amazing organs that do many essential tasks to keep us healthy.

The main job of your kidneys is to remove toxins and excess water from your blood. Kidneys also help to control your blood pressure, to produce red blood cells and to keep your bones healthy.

Each roughly the size of your fist, kidneys are located deep in the abdomen, beneath the rib cage.

Your kidneys control blood stream levels of many minerals and molecules including sodium and potassium, and help to control blood acidity. Every day your kidneys carefully control the salt and water in your body so that your blood pressure remains the same.

Did You Know?

Your Kidneys:

  • Make urine
  • Remove wastes and extra fluid from your blood
  • Control your body’s chemical balance
  • Help control your blood pressure
  • Help keep your bones healthy
  • Help you make red blood cells

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